Someone thinking about if her drug use will impact her baby being adopted

Adoption is an option for almost every woman, no matter your life circumstances. If you took drugs and are pregnant, there is still an adoptive family that is willing and able to adopt your baby. Everyone makes mistakes, but with adoption, there is hope for your child’s future.

In this blog, we will share about what happens to a child exposed to drugs and how it may affect the adoption process. Know that adoption is still an option for you! Treatments are available to you, and many adoptive families are willing to take on the responsibilities of raising a child.

What Happens to My Baby After Being Exposed to Drugs?

There could have been major effects on your baby’s developing brain if you took drugs while pregnant. This possibility is unique to your situation and depends on the drug exposure, among other factors.

It’s vital to receive the prenatal care to keep informed and improve your and your baby’s health. Contact your local healthcare provider or doctor to get the help you need if you are still using drugs. Support is available, and recovery is possible. It is also very important to get a sonogram done by a licensed sonographer to ensure the baby is growing and thriving.

Contact us at Texas Christian Adoptions today to learn about our free community and adoption resources as you consider this pregnancy option.

Matching With an Adoptive Family

As the birth mother, you can choose an adoptive family that resonates well with your desires for your child’s future. You can review the family’s hobbies, occupations, family history, etc. Additionally, all potential adoptive families undergo significant background checks and screening.

No matter what life situation you and your baby are in, there is a loving adoptive family ready to take in your child and offer hope and a future.

We are here to help you better understand your adoption options and next steps. You are not alone. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your unique situation with our team.

You can do this – one step at a time.